Thursday, May 8, 2008

Crysis (PC) Cheats

Cheat: Cheat List

Head to the difficulty files in your Crysis folder (for example: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Game\Config). The four files you're looking for are titled diff_easy.cfg, diff_normal.cfg, diff_hard.cfg and diff_bauer.cfg. Open the file (using Notepad) of the difficulty level you are currently playing or wish to edit. Add the following line to the end of the file and save it:

  • God Mode - g_godMode = 1
  • No Target - ai_IgnorePlayer = 1
  • No Weapon Limit - i_noweaponlimit = 1
  • Unlimited Ammo - i_unlimitedammo = 1

You can also modify your suit stats. For example:

  • g_playerHealthValue = 400.0
  • g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime = 0
  • g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0
  • g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay = 0
  • g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmor = 0
  • g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving = 0
  • g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTime = 0
  • g_playerSuitHealthRegenDelay = 0
  • g_playerSuitHealthRegenTime = 0
  • g_playerSuitHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0
  • g_suitArmorHealthValue = 400.0
  • g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster = 0
  • g_suitRecoilEnergyCost = 0
  • g_suitSpeedEnergyConsumption = 0
  • g_suitSpeedMult = 2

After making all of your edits, save the file, load up a new game and see what you've edited!

Submitted by Werewolph

God Mode Dec 5, 2007
Description: God Mode and a few others
Where Entered: Locate the difficulty files in your Crysis installation folder (ie: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Game\Config). These files are called diff_easy.cfg, diff_normal.cfg, diff_hard.cfg and diff_bauer.cfg. Open the file (with Notepad) that corresponds to the difficulty level you are playing. Add the following line to the end of the file and save it:

Mod to allow console inputs
con_restricted = 0 Allows console cheat codes

Fight on the Flight Deck
Reckoning Chapter
Warning: This totally reveals what to do here.

There are 3 waves of enemies. In each case Alien Troopers are present (Ectomorphs are the creatures in Core).

One of the things that leads to success on the deck is to acquire only the chain gun, gauss gun, RL and TAC. Don't pick anything else up.

The first wave is all Alien Trooper. Use the Gauss Gun and fight mainly from the deck entrance hatchway.

Then comes the Alien Hunter (walker) from off the bow. It can be taken down with the chain gun after the prof Roesnthal weakens it. Don't bother with it until then.

Once he is out of the way the big Alien ship shows up from the side of the flight deck opposite the hatchway. Here is the sequence of events:

-Take out the four guns arrayed in 4 corners around the center of the beast. Locate them with the binoculars. RL does the job; use the scope.

-Next are the front left and right leg joints. Wait for the word from Rosenthal then use the TAC. The areas will light up upon weapon focus.

-Next he moves toward you and your targets change to his underside. There are ice guns to the left and right of the center area. Gauss gun will slow them down.

-Aim the TAC on the lower right corner of the center area to acquire target. Then when the center opens, send in a round. Maintain your focus and acquisition (you may find that in this mode the Alien Troppers are suspended).

-The first round you sent in will cause the center to remain open. Hold focus and send a second round into the opening. He starts to die. As they say in the military, it is now time to un-ass the area.

-Get to the Helicopter by running towards him. Take a right around the outside of the damage in the deck and sprint towards the chopper. Going directly to the right through the fires will not work.

Have seen many posts on this. With the latest patches, this technique works without difficulty.

All Crysis Cheat Download (PC)

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